Start Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Today!
Located in Henderson, KY 20 min away from Evansville, IN
Hi! My name is Scott Audas and I'm the owner of Alliance BJJ here in Henderson Kentucky. I am a black belt under Jacare Cavalcanti.
Alliance Jiu Jitsu Academy is an affiliate of the 12 times IBJJF world champions Brazilian Jiu Jitsu team. We come from one of the best linages in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Linage Heilo- Rolls - Jacare - Scott Audas
BJJ will teach you problem-solving skills, confidence, assertiveness, and humility. Get Started Today!
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People from all over come and train with us!
Evansville IN, Newburgh IN, Madisonville KY, Morganfield KY, Owensboro KY, & more!
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